Firelogs made for Heating in Wood Stoves

Heating with Wood Stoves

Home Fire Prest Logs are designed for homeowners who heat their homes with wood. Excelling in woodstoves, our logs give an even burn for 12 hours and don't fall apart like other compressed logs. The pure nature of the logs allows them to be burned in woodstoves outfitted with catalytic convertors. The high efficiency burn produces less pollution than burning natural gas or other fossil fuels.

Heating with Wood Stoves

Compressed firelogs from Home Fire Prest Logs pushes the advantage of your high efficiency wood stove to the max. What makes the logs burn so efficiently is the nature of their production. Other compressed firelogs simply fall apart and burn out after a few hours. Our firelogs stay together and burn for up to 12 hours! With 4 times the heat output of cordwood, our logs also do not have to be maintained while burning. In fact, once our logs go through the initial burn stage, they glow red hot completely through. The log actually turns into a large glowing coal which will continue to heat for many hours. We have reports of people heating their homes with only 3 logs a day! Of course not everyone can expect the same results due to variables in wood stove efficiency and the area needed to be heated. A high use of logs would be up to 12 logs a day.

Helping Your Wood Stove Heat More Efficiently

"A true advantage over other manufactured logs and cordwood, our logs burn longer, do not spark and pop due to the controlled moisture content and the burn about 4 times as hot as cord wood," says manufacturer Glenn Hermanson "People who try our logs find they do not fall apart during the burn and with the flat side they do not roll out of the fireplace. In fact, most people who try our logs won't go back to any other log."