Our logs will store indefinitely in all but wet conditions. We have logs that are 20 years old, and still have taken on very little moisture. All the other manufactured logs will take on moisture and swell up as they are not as dense as our logs.

YES! Our compressed logs are specifically developed for burning in woodstoves and for heating your home with nothing but wood. Our logs burn longer, heat more and do produce low emissions. They are 100% wood! No wax or other adhesives have been added.

It is hard to compare how long a burn will result from the logs as all burning conditions are different. However, a stack of 5 logs burned in an open fireplace at 7 PM by this webmaster resulted in glowing coals remaining at 7 AM the following morning. Over 12 hours later!

No, we pride ourselves that our logs retain their shape and size and do not expand and fall apart while burning. This is because the logs are compressed to the core during manufacturing.

There are two methods to start the logs. With our included fail-safe starters and by using kindling.

Lava-like pieces of rock in your wood stove are referred to as clinkers. Clinkers are the result of ash fusion, where noncombustible salts and minerals entrenched in the wood fibers liquefy and bond together. Clinkering is inherent with the burning of compressed wood, due to the the higher burning temperatures of the logs. Depending on the type of minerals and salts contained in wood fibers, ash fusion can occur from 1100 degrees to 2400 degrees Fahrenheit.

During processing the compressed log is squeezed tightly and formed under great heat and pressure. As the logs are compressed the wood fibers fuse tightly together. The outside of the logs turn dark due to the heat of the compression process.

Home Fire Prest Logs do not pop or spark due to the controlled moisture content. This is a large advantage to burning Home Fire Prest Logs in a fireplace since no screen is required during the burn, allowing almost double the radiant heat to enter the room.

No. In fact burning wood or allowing it to rot produces the same amount of CO2, the main greenhouse gas.

Ways to Burn

Home Fire Prest Logs in different Appliances

Save a Tree – Burn Me!

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